Getting to Wat Pa Tam Wua

Tam Wua is located between Pai and Mae Hong Son:

You must arrive between 6AM and 4PM. No exceptions. Plan accordingly. We are open 365 days a year. There is no need to book ahead, walk-ins are welcome. IMPORTANT NOTE! Original Passport OR Thai ID Card is required upon checking in at Reception.


From Chiang Mai or Pai

Take a bus, minivan or yellow truck from the bus terminal towards Mae Hong Son. Tell the driver that you’re coming to Tam Wua, and they will stop in front of the temple grounds. From there it’s a 1-KM walk to the monastery itself. The yellow trucks may bring you all the way in. From Chiang Mai and Pai, is the common minivan service. you must book at least one or two days in advance to get a seat. Choose early morning departures only, otherwise you will not arrive in time to be checked in.

From Mae Hong Son

Take a mini van from the bus station, or yellow truck from the central market, headed towards Pai. Make sure to tell the driver to stop at Wat Pa Tam Wua.

Upon arrival

When you arrive here, follow the signs to “Information”, where you will be greeted by our friendly, helpful staff. You will be provided with white clothes for the duration of your stay, as well as a mattress, pillows and blankets.
If you need anything else – just ask us!


Wat Pa Tam Wua offers small singe-person kutis (huts) for men, kutis for ladies, three male dorm buildings, three female dorm buildings.

​There is generally a waiting list for kutis, which are given out based on length of stay. However, people displaying a serious commitment to their practice and to the monastery will be given preference. The singe-person kutis exist to provide a more private space for meditation, contemplation and Dharma study.
The kutis are a privilege, not a space for chatting or a private space for misbehaviour.
Strictly no male visitors to female kutis, or female visitors to male kutis.

Before leaving

Before leaving, please clean the kuti after yourself. Return your bedding and any white clothes, then sign out of the guestbook.
Any donations should be put into the donation box in the small Dharma Hall.

A bus to Pai leaves every morning from inside the temple grounds at 8AM. This costs 120 Baht (For reservation, write down your name on book at Information) 

If you’re going to Mae Hong Son, or leaving at another time, you’ll have to walk to the main road (about 15 minutes) and flag a passing bus.

ตารางเวลารถโดยสาร Time Table (REVISED I)
Wat Tam Wua - Transport Chiang Mai